This is the first question that arises for a tattoo apprentice.
Among all the sizes, names and styles… Which one do you need?
Let's start with the basic rules:
- All tattoo needles are single use.
- Take appropriate measures to dispose of needles as medical waste.
Now that we have that out of the way, let's move on to the 4 features that differentiate both classic and cartridge needles:
Example: Classic needle (left) Cartridge needle (right).
To differentiate tattoo needles we look at the combination of 4 numbers and 2 letters found on the back of the package.
1. The Diameter
Each needle is made up of several needles welded at its tip, the first 2 digits expose the thickness of each welded needle.
The 3 most common types of diameters with 12, 10 and 08:
12 = This number indicates that the thickness of each needle is 0.35mm, the largest diameter. This needle thickness is the most commonly used.
10 = Indicates that the thickness of each needle is 0.30mm.
08 = The “08” as the first 2 numbers on a needle means that the thickness of the needle is 0.25mm. The least common but the most requested for realism or very fine lines.
Example: Here we can see the thickness of the thinnest needle, 0.25 (08), the 0.30mm needle (10) and the largest 0.35mm (12)
2. Quantity
Each needle is made up of several needles welded at its tip, the second pair of numbers tells us how many needles are welded to each rod.
Example 1: Now we know that this needle has 11 welded needles and each one has a thickness of 0.35mm
Example 2: The needles that make up this example have a thickness of 0.30mm and are a total of 5 needles welded to the rod.
3. Form
We finish with the last 2 letters, the most common ones you can find are RL, RS, M1 or RM:
- RL or Round Liner: It is made up of a group of needles welded in the shape of a circle. Shape used for tattoo line.
Example: Round Liner needle size 7, needles in a very close circular shape.
- RS or Round Shader: In Spanish it would be translated as “Round Filler” as they are usually used to fill small areas or smaller shadows. Its main difference with RL needles is that they are welded in a round shape but with more space between them.
Example: It is seen that the circular shape is maintained, like the RL needles, but the greater separation between them is visible.
- M1 or Magnum: These types of needles are prepared for large shadows or filling, they are arranged in 2 lines of needles in a woven formation, that is, they alternate with each other.
Example: Magnum needle, straight shape and alignment knitted on a 11M1
- RM or Round Magnum: Also called Curved Magnum or "cat's tongue", placed in the same way as the magnum needle but without the straight finish since they are placed in a semi-circular shape.
They are mainly used for blending or shading as they avoid needle edge marks.
Example: Round Magnum, straight needles and woven formation like the magnum needle but semi-circular edges.